No grāmatas vāka:
Ikreiz, kad Lū Vintere atver skapi, viņa secina, ka kārtējo reizi nav ko vilkt mugurā. Pazīstama situācija, vai ne? Kādudien Lū rokās nonāk apdriskāts žurnāls, kurā viņa pamana rakstu par lielo tīrīšanu. Kurš gan spētu noticēt, ka tas var mainīt visu viņas dzīvi! Sācies kā aizrautīgs pavasara tīrīšanas process, tas pamazām kļūst nekontrolējams… Negaidot Lū rod sevī drosmi pieņemt daudz izšķirošu lēmumu…
Drosmīgā un provocējošā Millijas Džonsones grāmata aicina lasītāju ielūkoties savā sirdī (vai tur nav sakrājies pārāk daudz putekļu?) un rosina pārskatīt galvenās vērtības, kuras nereti tiek upurētas iesīkstējušu aizspriedumu dēļ. Brīvais un aicinošais vēstījums ļaus jums caur smieklu asarām ieraudzīt gan sevi, gan savu dzīvi pavisam citādā gaismā.
When Lou Winter picks up a dog-eared magazine in the dentist's waiting room and spots an article about clearing clutter, she little realises how it will change her life. What begins as an earnest spring clean soon spirals out of control. Before long Lou is hiring skips in which to dump the copious amounts of junk she never knew she had.
Lou's loved ones grow disgruntled. Why is clearing out cupboards suddenly more important than making his breakfast, her husband Phil wonders? The truth is, the more rubbish Lou lets go of, the more light and air can get to those painful, closed-up places at the centre of her heart: the love waiting for a baby she would never have, the empty space her best friend Deb once occupied, and the gaping wound left by her husband's affair.
Even lovely Tom Broom, the man who delivers Lou's skips, starts to grow concerned about his sweetest customer. But Lou is a woman on a mission, and not even she knows where it will end . . .
Lou's loved ones grow disgruntled. Why is clearing out cupboards suddenly more important than making his breakfast, her husband Phil wonders? The truth is, the more rubbish Lou lets go of, the more light and air can get to those painful, closed-up places at the centre of her heart: the love waiting for a baby she would never have, the empty space her best friend Deb once occupied, and the gaping wound left by her husband's affair.
Even lovely Tom Broom, the man who delivers Lou's skips, starts to grow concerned about his sweetest customer. But Lou is a woman on a mission, and not even she knows where it will end . . .
Es zināju, ka man ir pārāk daudz mantu. Kad es izlasīju šo grāmatu, es darīju tāpat kā galvenā varone. Paņēmu rulli ar atkritumu maisiem un devos uzbrukumā skapim. Tam sekoja revīzija plauktos un citur. Esmu iztīrījusi tikai pusi mājas. Kad kārtējais lielais maiss bija pilns, es nespēju ticēt, cik daudz nevajadzīgu mantu man ir bijis. Kad bija pabeigusi guļamistabā, vizuāli nekas īpaši nebija mainījies, bet es ZINĀJU, ka tagad šeit nav krāmu. Šķita, ka elpot kļuvis vieglāk.
Man patika šī grāmata. :)
I know i have full shelves, boxes and wardrobe. There are things I think i will need some day, dresses i will wear when i will loose weight... When I read this book i did like Lou did. I took rubbish-bags and found out I have many many things, what i actually dont need. I am still doing cleaning. When i finished in bedroom, it looked like nothing happen. But I KNEW this is rubbish-free place. It feels like I can breath deeper here now.
I like this book. :)
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